Asian Smith / 澤野ヒロフミ
1986年4月- 神奈川県横浜市出身

2004年、学友と共にレーベル TetraMusicを設立し2009年までチーフディレクターとして携わる。(同レーベルでは2006年より米国”CD Baby”と提携し日本国内初のiTune Music Storeアグリゲーターとして業務を展開)

ピアノを武内俊之、松本奈穂子に師事。作曲を田丸智也、David Diggsに師事。

EMI Music Japan Great Hunting / Sony Music SDにて新人アーティストの制作サポートを経て、株式会社ディグズ・グループ、株式会社スターダスト(T.M)にて作曲・編曲・映像・WEB制作など、マルチメディア全般の制作を手がける。
2009年 東海大学教養学部 芸術学科 音楽学課程を卒業

クリスタル・ケイ、西野カナ、J Soul Brothers、東方神起、他多数の国内アーティストコンペの参加、楽曲提供
Hopsin、A-kon Rimix PRJ、Re-can、We the kings等多数の米・英アーティストとのCoプロダクション、音楽・映像制作ポストプロダクションに携わり今に至る。
2013年4月現在、日本ポピュラー音楽学会 正会員 (研究分野:音楽の世界市場推移)

Has always lived in Yokohama,Japan since when he was little.
When Hirofumi was little he has always been known as a kid that liked
machines and music.
He started his piano when he was 4 by his grand mother, Yayoi Sawano.
As he grew up and was about to graduate from elementary he started to
become interested in American pop culture.
He has became so interested to the point that when he has his own time he
will be playing all sorts of instruments and recording them into a tape
recorder (also modified recorders and created his own recording devices).
He began his guitar on his own around when he was 12 to 14.
When he started High school he realised he should become a Music producer.

When he was 17 his only supporter, his grand father has passed away from
His grandfather has always been known as a warm hearted and calm person
who welded and sculpted metals.
His grandfather gave him a quote “Live as yourself in a way you want to
live but live them to the fullest” which decided to use his signature name
“Asian Smith” and decided to make his own creations in music and movies,
just as his grand father made his own creations by welding metals.

University of Tokai where he was part of Arts club and Music club he has
majored Music Marketing and copy right.
With Toshiyuki Takeuchi(Pianist), Tomoya Tamaru (writer), Kazuhiko Umezawa
(vocal music producer) and Charles Hearts (business philosopher) on his
side, He has won many awards as keyboardist while he attended starting
from winning as second in Yamaha Music grandprix.
Produces music vidoes, filming, graphic editing and various
other things that isn’t limited to music to artists national and
international to Japan.

In year 2004 he has signed with Tetra Music and in 2009 he became composer
to strengthen his career.
He is also a part of Japan Association for the Study of Popular Music.